doi: 10.4304/jsw.8.12.3229-3237
A Proposed MobileSchool System for Requirements of Secondary Schools in Malaysia
Abstract—Teaching and learning have recently been influenced by the fast growing of sophisticated mobile phone technologies. On the other hand, in ensuring the developed devices are usable to the users, it is insufficient to merely rely on advanced educational device itself. This paper hence presents a proposed mobile learning management system (MLMS) namely MobileSchool for secondary schools in Malaysia. For the purpose of MobileSchool development, an initial study had been conducted to achieve three main objectives: to determine the target users’ familiarity level on Learning Management System (LMS) usages, to identify target users’ readiness level of utilizing to-be developed MLMS in their daily teaching and learning activities; and to get users’ proposed functions that need to be included in the system. This study employed two approaches for the data collection which included questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire instrument involved 575 students from secondary schools in Perak. The data were then triangulated through interviews that involved 10 teachers and 10 parents using similar questions developed in the questionnaire. Both data were compared with the results that have been produced by three similar studies. The results show that students were quite familiar with LMS and they gave positive feedbacks on utilization of the system that will be developed. Besides, the results were also in line with produced results of three similar studies. Finally, MobileSchool has been developed based on the functions proposed by respondents.
Index Terms—Mobile phone technology, mobile learning system, familiarity level, readiness level.
Cite: Ahmad Sobri Hashim, Wan Fatimah Wan Ahmad, Azizah Jaafar, Shahrina Md Nordin, "A Proposed MobileSchool System for Requirements of Secondary Schools in Malaysia," Journal of Software vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 3229-3237, 2013.
General Information
ISSN: 1796-217X (Online)
Abbreviated Title: J. Softw.
Frequency: Quarterly
DOI: 10.17706/JSW
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Antanas Verikas
Executive Editor: Ms. Cecilia Xie
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